BindleKit SDK
BindleKit is a collection classes which simplifies a processes and add new functionality to the iOS SDK.
- Compatible with iOS simulator and iOS devices
- Custom UISplitViewController class which allows users to resize views.
- Wrapper class for SCNetworkReachability functions.
- UIButton categories which create colored button images.
- Classes which implement Stack and Queue data structures.
- Classes for creating caches of objects in memory.
- Custom class which displays user selectable options in a UIPopoverController on the iPad and in an UIActionSheet on the iPhone.
- Licensed under the Bindle Binaries Open Source license.
Software Requirements
- OS X 10.7
- Xcode 4.1
- iOS 3.1
- Git 1.7
Source Code
The source code for BindleKit is maintained using git (http://git-scm.com). The latest development source code may be checked out using the following commands:
$ git clone git://github.com/bindle/BindleKit.git
The current development source code may be viewed at the following URLs: